Work With Me

As a LEADER you must ENVISION the future, passionately BELIEVE that you can make a difference, and INSPIRE people to achieve more than they thought themselves capable of.

If you find yourself anserwing yes to any of the questions on the right, you would really benefit from having a coach in your life!

How to get started?

Want to try a coaching session to understand if coaching is right for you?


In order to grow, you must first be prepared to let go and decide to take action to achieve your goals.

As a coach, my goal is to help conscious entrepreneurs and creatives to:

  • Discover Your Passion
  • Serve Your Community
  • Expand Your Mind
  • Grow Your Audience
  • Become an Authority

Coaching can offer insights and benefits into each of the following areas:

    Are you unsure what you want out of life? Are you going around in circles? Do you simply wander aimlessly through life?
    Do you doubt yourself or lack faith in your own abilities? Do you sometimes find it difficult to be assertive and speak up in certain situations?
    Do you find it hard to recognise your own achievements? Do you always give yourself credit for achieving your goals?
    Do you know what you want out of life and what you need to do but you procrastinate or struggle to reach your goals?
    Are you feeling like you’re not achieving your full potential in your business or career?
    Do you always find you don’t have enough money at the end of each month or are failing to reach your financial goals?
    Do you just feel you’re not living the life you want to be living or wish you were living life on your own terms?